Monday, August 24, 2015

Birthday Desserts for Mom! Coconut Cornmeal Cake, Lavender, Blueberry, and Walnut Scones, AND Chocolate Dipped Tangerines (Kacie)

Happy Birthday to my mom! Yippie! She was gone all day doing not super fun stuff, so I wanted to make sure she came home to some awesome treats! 

So, let's look closer at this pretty pretty cake! My mom loves coconut, and my dad hates it. That makes a coconut cake the perfect gift for her. This cake is like a lightly sweet cornbread with a nice topping. It is a gentle little flavor and tasty. Candler ate as much as anyone else in the family! It was also easy peasy to make. Combine ingredients, throw it in a pan, and bake for  35 minutes. Dessert cornbread!

Here are the boys "smelling" the flowers that my mom's friend gave her. They are super over dramatic when they sniff, which is hilarious.

The chocolate dipped tangerines took absolutely no time. They were tasty, and totally gone by the end of the evening. That's a good one to have in the tool box for kid parties and well grown up parties too! They look fancy, but they are really simple.

And finally, the lavendar, blueberry, and walnut scones--these were impressive.  I have tried to make scones before, and gotten pretty frustrated by it. You have to cut the butter, but keep it cold, all while folding it into the batter. Ugh. Too much work. This is more of a "toss it all in together" kind of thing. The lavendar is subtle, but really yummy.

It made for a super lovely breakfast the next morning (even though they were yummier the first day, and the recipe said they would be).

Have you had Noose yogurt? That stuff is so tasty. I found a pumpkin one, and decided to just jump right into fall and buy them. So yummy. I like the buy the little ones though, because I totally eat the whole container of the big ones.

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